вторник, 15 января 2008 г.

20 minutes to read, to scan, to watch and "to run to Canadian border..."

A good tradition

I really would like to see the printed version of 20 minutos... I wonder do the Spanish people read as fast? 20 minutes is a "traditional media" that would easily keep your attentions for another 20 hours.. It is a huge amount of bright content gathered in user-friendly structure. Just see the article about to guys:

Sarkozy vers Berluskony

I neither speak nor read Spanish but the article is presented in such a way that I can understand it.. And I love the pages of photogalleries presenting la nueva chica Bond, best today's pictures gallery updated constanlyt, and latest selection of autos from Detroit show.. Strongly recommend

20 alases..

20 minutes' video service for UGC did not leave such a good impression. Video starts just the moment you click. And it is not you who choses it. I am a user and I like the choice. This site did not gave me a choice... Alas..


Newsmap is a picture of audinces'interest in media. It is kind of printscreen of us - see with your eyes what news occupy people's minds. ... Media changes Lady D as a newsmaker rests. Do you really believe that Diana's butler will reveal something new?... It appears that most of people do. They still might be waiting for new Melnichenko's tapes :)))

понедельник, 14 января 2008 г.

New media made the world a smaller place

Equal opportunities to all!

In five years everything in the world became closer - my friend in NY city shared the wedding photoes the next day after his marriage. It became very easy to get comments on from expert in science or politics who resides on another continent. Everyone who has an internet access and mobile phone with camera have equal opportunities to become a journalist! More opportutites means more people talented people having chances to express themselves.

Full transparency

It is good when you are young and open-minded. Internet blogging gives all the opportunities to tell the world about yourself and your ideas at once. Excellent opportunity in case you want it. But in case you want keep something private with the Google you have all chances to fail. I had an experience of moderating a forum . I was shocked when after my sort of conflict with a crazy guy (sort of virtual maniak) next day he presented a full dosier on me just using the Google. Some facts I even did not remember. My advice - be careful - everything you do leaves digital traces on the servers of search machines..

In our time to live means to be online

пятница, 7 декабря 2007 г.

понедельник, 3 декабря 2007 г.

An Appeal Operation

Hello, I am Olga

I on DSJ now studying blogs..

I recalled a story of my sister Taisia. Last summer she became a heroe of a national printed and online newspaper Russian Newspaper

An Appeal Operation

This summer she entered Moscow University Geography Department. The competition was very tight and she definately would fail if she had not made two appeals which she won. She convinced the examinators that her marks in Russian literature and Geography should had been higher. And the examinator... had to admit it. The evening she officially became a student Taisia she put her impressions and advices on what to do if your knowledge were underestimated , how to clearly articulate your arguments, a on her own blog in order to share the expirience with the friends whose exams were still ahead.

A journalist of RG serfed the internet that evening, found her story, contacted her for an interview by phone. Next day the article appeared in media.

I think it is a good example how throughe a blog you can promote yourself as well as

blog is a good instrument for journalists